Using My Voice

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Trying Something New - Self Defence Class Week Two

Trying Something New - Self Defence Class Week Two

Still battered and blue after week one, I went back for more. I will admit i showed off my bruised wrists like badges of honour gained in a battle with my bf - who clearly won.  Truth be told I bruise like a peach and squeal like a little girl.

So, I want to do well in this class. I am not aspiring to gain my black belt or become a world champion, but I do want to prefect what I am being taught.  It was frustrating trying to perform the perfect side roll (used to ease the impact of hitting the ground should you lose your balance or be pushed) and continuously not getting it right.

We had a new batch of instructors this week and there was one in particular, that although he took his craft very seriously, he also knew how to bring it down to a level that was relevant - well for me anyway. As I am rolling over to my side and having my arm flail about, he told me to smack it on the ground like it was a bad date.

Ah ha! That I understood as God knows I have been on many a bad date. Years of  suffering through bad conversations, wandering hands, and sloppy kisses, finally found an outlet - the side roll with a hand smack.

The bf and I did have the opportunity to do some work together. It was super fun.

I will go back for week three.

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