Using My Voice

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Trying Something New Week Four and Five

Trying Something New Week Four and Five

So I continue on with my self-defence/jujitsu class. I am starting to feel less awkward and able to relax. Week four we worked on our break-falls – the ability to fall to the ground with grace and style. Actually, the grace and style part is strictly my objective. The real purpose of a break-fall is to avoid hitting your head if pushed to the ground by smacking your hands out to the side as you hit the ground.

When working with one of black belts I was practising throwing him to the ground from behind while moving out of the way quickly. I had everything right until the move quickly part. As a result “Mr. I can smack the ground so hard I can break your foot,” aka Sensei, hit me. Yes, that’s right – my foot got bitch slapped.  It took all of my will power not to cry in class. I walked with a limp for two days and had a hell of a bruise.

Five weeks in I have come to realize two things – one I have a bit of built of anger and aggression and second, karate is all about subtle technique and not brute force. BOO! I was so excited when I registered as I thought I was going to get to hit people. But SEVERAL Sensei‘s pointed out that less “grrrrrr” and more “ahhhhhh” was more effective to throw people to the ground and get them into a submission position.  Although they appreciated my bounding energy, the guy whose arm I kept trying to break was happy when I learned to breathe and take it easy.

So, at the end of the class, I realized that perhaps this karate thing is just what I need. It’s a way to expend excess energy, anger, and frustration while learning how to remain calm. I know that my kids would probably appreciate a Mom who is more relaxed and I like the idea of being able to throw my BF to the ground on a whim.


Wednesday 24 October 2012

Trying Something New - Self Defence Class Week Two

Trying Something New - Self Defence Class Week Two

Still battered and blue after week one, I went back for more. I will admit i showed off my bruised wrists like badges of honour gained in a battle with my bf - who clearly won.  Truth be told I bruise like a peach and squeal like a little girl.

So, I want to do well in this class. I am not aspiring to gain my black belt or become a world champion, but I do want to prefect what I am being taught.  It was frustrating trying to perform the perfect side roll (used to ease the impact of hitting the ground should you lose your balance or be pushed) and continuously not getting it right.

We had a new batch of instructors this week and there was one in particular, that although he took his craft very seriously, he also knew how to bring it down to a level that was relevant - well for me anyway. As I am rolling over to my side and having my arm flail about, he told me to smack it on the ground like it was a bad date.

Ah ha! That I understood as God knows I have been on many a bad date. Years of  suffering through bad conversations, wandering hands, and sloppy kisses, finally found an outlet - the side roll with a hand smack.

The bf and I did have the opportunity to do some work together. It was super fun.

I will go back for week three.

Trying Something New - Self Defence Class

Trying Something New - Self Defence Class

Walking into the multi-purpose room at The Pan Am Pool, I realized how I envy the innocence of a child. I don't know how many classes I have signed my son up for and with abandon he walks in tall to the first class without fear or reservation. I did not feel this way - rather I was uncomfortable and a little nervous. It had been ages since I took an organized class and I was there with my boyfriend which added a second layer of trepidation. For anyone who has taken a class with a significant other or spouse, you understand that slight vulnerable feeling one gets at the thought there is a good chance they will making a complete ass out of themselves  in front of the one they try to impress the most.

In any class you have the usual types of people - the one's that never say a word (me); the ones that ask WAY to many question (we had three in the class); and the one that asks the most obscure questions that have no relevance to the class what-so-ever.  By the fifth redundant and useless question I revelled in the idea that there was the opportunity I could use my soon to be taught self-defence skills and punch them later.
True to Winnipeg form I knew someone else in the class. I will be sure to test out our new techniques next time I see him on the street. Kidding

By the end of the class, the BF (boyfriend) and I found a rhythm as sparring partners and we had a great time. It was a unique way to be in each other`s company and to grow as individuals and a couple.

Conclusion, I will go back for week two. 

Monday 22 October 2012

Fishing a Drug Like No Other

Fishing a Drug Like No Other

When the boat came to a stop and I was handed the fishing rod and I looked at it with bewilderment , it quickly became apparent I was like a fish out of water.

It had been 10 plus years since I had threw a line in the water and even then it was more to be social than to catch anything. But this outing was full of intent. My boyfriend (BF) is an avid fisher and has even caught a few master anglers in his time.

I was reluctant to go as I never enjoyed fishing. I always viewed it as an excuse to drink and since I am a non-drinker, I figured why bother. But wanting to share the experience and be a part of another slice of my BF’s world, I bundled up, grabbed the life jacket and headed out onto the lake.

I was given quick instruction on how to case a rod and then sent on my way. The first few casts yielded nothing. Then I felt a slight tug on my line. I started to get panicked and let out a little yelp before seeing reeds come to the surface at the end of my yellow Five of Diamonds hook.

Continuing to cast, with nothing happening, I quickly felt affirmed in my perspective that fishing is boring as hell.

Then it happened, I had a bite. The tug on my line almost caused me to loosen my grip and drop the rod as though something hot was searing my fingertips. But a few calm words and some instruction from my boat mate calmed my nerves and I focused on brining this fish to the surface. In mere seconds, a  tug on the line, my scream, calming words, and two more turns of the reel, and the fish had come loose and swam off before I could claim it as a legitimate catch.

What also happened was an adrenaline rush similar to pulling the handle on a slot machine and being one position off from having three black bars all lined up. It was like bring so close to the jackpot that you can almost taste it; so close you would do anything to actually win.

In that one cast, fishing became like a drug. I wanted that high that you get from feeling the tug on your line and I was willing to cast all day. Just like the gambler that continues to pull the arm time after time, I believed that the next cast was going to hit pay dirt and I was going to catch a fish.

A good slot player will switch machines if they feel the one they are on has gone cold. Fishing is no different. If five casts didn’t yield anything, we shuttled the boat to a new spot. George Lake in the Whiteshell is full of bass, trout, northern pike, perch and white fish – a fisherman’s schmorgesborg of potential. Shifting to a spot that the Lake Trout favoured, we again cast our lines.

On the second throw of my hook I got a bit. I again scream and then hear clear instructions come from my other half.  As the fish neared the boat it started to fight, swimming underneath the boat, coming to the surface, thrashing about  - desperate to break free.

My heart quickened, my adrenaline surged. I gripped the rod tighter and I was determined to bring this fish in. Now I would love to write that the fish and I wrestled for twenty minutes that it was a master angler and I was a fishing God – but then I would be lying.

30-seconds later a 4lb, 19” Lake Trout was safely snared in the net and I had officially caught my first fish!

I was reminded of a conversation I had with fishing guru Dave Mercer who was a guest on the Friday Entertainment Panel on CJOB. He talked about the thrill of brining in a fish, the rush you get and I finally knew firsthand what he meant. Note: Dave was referring to catching a 400lb grouper not a 4lb Lake Trout.

Now I am not about to take up sport fishing as a new hobby but I have a greater understanding of people who do.  The thrill, the rush and the sense of catching the big one with each cast is like chasing an elusive high.

Diary of a Pole Dancer

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Posted June 10, 2011

When having a recent conversation with a friend, I realized that I didn’t have an interesting response to “what’s new?” So, feeling that I was no longer interesting, I embarked on a new adventure – I was going to learn how to cook. To me cooking is a chore; I can’t stand it, find it a waste of time, and frankly am happy living on toast and meal replacement bars. My children, aged 9 and 11, have learned to cook a few simple meals for themselves as they know if they rely upon me for a descent meal they will be short changed.  Seriously – one time I messed up boiled perogies.
 So, I have embarked on finding joy in cooking in the hopes that I will again find myself interesting with the added benefits of expanding my skills and abilities in the kitchen.  Note: upon further reflection, I realized that I am very interesting and have a very varied, fun, and exciting life. But alas, I made the commitment to cook at least one meal a week.

 My children were excited with my new personal adventure and we have turned it into family gourmet night. Our first meal had my son (nine) in charge of the side dish and he made a lovely tossed salad with homemade lemon dressing that was tangy enough to pucker all of our faces. My daughter (11) was responsible for dessert and made sugar cookie smores that sandwiched together icing and roasted marshmallows. I was responsible for the main course and chose vegetarian lasagna as my first kick at the kitchen cat.

As the afternoon of cooking away progressed I realized that cooking could be fun. Soon both of the kids asked if they could help me with my portion of our meal and soon we were all cooking together.  With the table set and plates served I said a simple prayer “all right Lord, please let this taste good.” Forks in hand, we delved in and almost in unison we let out a “mmmmmmmm….” It was delicious!

 I realized several things from this experience – taking on new adventures, even ones that you really have no desire to do – can lead to great things. By challenging myself I am learning how to cook or at least gaining confidence in the kitchen. I am also finding a new way to bring my family together. The laughs and giggles that the kids and I had that afternoon were priceless and truly a memory I will keep forever.

 In pole fitness I hear time and time again from women that finally one day, they just finally say “that’s it, I’m going to do this!” They decide to accept the adventure and jump in with both feet. Much like my glorious meal – they find amazing results greeting them at the end of the class. Women walk out feeling better about themselves from the inside out, toned bodies, they walk a little taller and maybe even with a sway to their step. Those in their lives, much like my children enjoyed our family time together, reap the benefits of having a woman in their life that is happier and more invigorated with life.

 Take on an adventure as the results could be more then you ever imagined.
