Using My Voice

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Trying Something New - Self Defence Class

Trying Something New - Self Defence Class

Walking into the multi-purpose room at The Pan Am Pool, I realized how I envy the innocence of a child. I don't know how many classes I have signed my son up for and with abandon he walks in tall to the first class without fear or reservation. I did not feel this way - rather I was uncomfortable and a little nervous. It had been ages since I took an organized class and I was there with my boyfriend which added a second layer of trepidation. For anyone who has taken a class with a significant other or spouse, you understand that slight vulnerable feeling one gets at the thought there is a good chance they will making a complete ass out of themselves  in front of the one they try to impress the most.

In any class you have the usual types of people - the one's that never say a word (me); the ones that ask WAY to many question (we had three in the class); and the one that asks the most obscure questions that have no relevance to the class what-so-ever.  By the fifth redundant and useless question I revelled in the idea that there was the opportunity I could use my soon to be taught self-defence skills and punch them later.
True to Winnipeg form I knew someone else in the class. I will be sure to test out our new techniques next time I see him on the street. Kidding

By the end of the class, the BF (boyfriend) and I found a rhythm as sparring partners and we had a great time. It was a unique way to be in each other`s company and to grow as individuals and a couple.

Conclusion, I will go back for week two. 

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